
All deaths must be registered with a Registrar of Births and Deaths in the area where the death occurred within 5 days unless the death is referred to the coroner for investigation. Upon someone’s passing, the doctor will issue a certificate of cause of death. When you have the certificate, you would be able to make an appointment to register the death with the Registrar. You can either call 03000 41 51 51 or visit to make an appointment. Most local libraries now have the facilities to register a death. The website also contains information on who is eligible to register as well as the necessary documents that you would need to bring.

It is essential to take with you the medical certificate of the cause of death, given to you by the doctor or the hospital patient's officer. These days these documents will be electronically sent directly to the Registrar's office beforehand. It is also helpful to take the NHS medical card, birth and marriage certificates of the deceased if possible, though do not panic if these are not immediately to hand.

What to do with cremated remains

There are so many options, but here are a few to give you some basic ideas:

  • Cremated remains can be buried at a local cemetery; A half grave can be purchased and the cremated remains are interred in a wooden casket, in a similar way to a burial. As with a burial a headstone can be placed on the grave after six months (required in order to allow the ground to settle).
  • Cremated remains can be buried in an existing family grave, providing there is some space. This can usually be anywhere in the country, perhaps a family grave for those who have moved away in retirement.
  • They can be scattered at the crematorium where the funeral took place, free of charge, or at any crematorium in the country for a fee that will need to check at the time. All crematoria keep a detailed register of exactly where cremated remains are scattered or buried in their grounds.
  • They can be scattered at sea if arrangements can be cleared, or taken home to be scattered in a particular special place - perhaps in the garden or another area that is important. They can also be kept, though you may wish to obtain a more suitable container for this purpose and we can show you many options for this.

A minister?

Many people feel it is tradition, perhaps even compulsory, that a vicar be asked to take the service. For some others this is a difficult situation. If the person is not a member of a church or especially religious, dealing with a minister may not be your first choice. We offer the services of qualified Civil Celebrants who will be able to take services where there isn’t a requirement for a formal religious service. They are also able to incorporate religious nuances to a service (eg. Hymns) should the family wish it so.

It is not necessary to have a vicar take a funeral service, but it is a good idea to have someone control the ceremony to make things easier on the day. The clergy naturally fit this bill and their role has changed a great deal over the recent years. The funeral service has become more personal in recent times and officiates of more diverse backgrounds take services.

Humanism, a non-religious belief of natural cycles, has grown considerably; A humanist reader can take a service, devoid of all religion but still linking information about the deceased with readings, poems and music.

Think we can help?

If you do, or if you have any further concerns or queries regarding our
service, use the link below to get into contact with us.